Utilities State Government Organization

2012 Annual Meeting

The USGO 2012 Annual Meeting was held July 8-11 at the Wentworth by the Sea, a Marriott Hotel and Spa, located in Newcastle, New Hampshire. USGO members presented on new developments in electric vehicles and renewable energy during our two day session of expert speakers from throughout our industry.

Video: Farewell to Andy Dreher: http://vimeopro.com/solomongroup/andy

Mid-Atlantic States Natural Gas Briefing
Steven Jumper - Director, Corporate Public Policy
WGL Holdings, Inc.

Advancing Energy Efficiency in Massachusetts and New England
Jeremy C. McDiarmid

Electricity as a Transportation Fuel: What It Means for the Utility Business & State Policy
Becky Harsh - Director of Retail Consumer Policy
Edison Electric Institute

Energy Efficiency Opportunities and Challenges
Kathy Loftus
Whole Foods Market

Energy Efficiency Opportunities and Challenges
Sam Krasnow
VP, Regulatory Affairs
FirstFuel Software, Inc.

EEI Update
Edison Electric Institute
Sarah Lashford and Brad Viator

Perspectives on Plug-in Vehicles
Watson Collins
Manager, Business Development
Northeast Utilities

The USGO Mission Statement

“The USGO shall provide a forum for presentation, exchange, and dissemination of information of specific interest to utility employees involved in public affairs at the state level.”